Legal Notices

This website was created by Shenzhen Changying Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Changying Precision"). Before anyone uses this website, please read the following terms carefully:

Access conditions

The materials, information and other contents of this website are provided by Changying Precision. Anyone who enters this website, reads any content, downloads any material from this website, or uses the materials provided by this website, agrees to abide by the terms of this legal statement. If you do not agree to abide by these terms, do not use this website. Changying Precision reserves the right to update the terms of this legal statement at any time without notice, and these updates will also bind you.

Declaration of rights

The information, materials, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, video, audio, data, programs, software, layout, etc., are owned and retained by Changying Precision, and such rights are subject to the The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Unfair Competition, and other laws, regulations, normative legal documents and related international treaties. You can browse, copy, print, and disseminate the content of this website for personal and non-commercial purposes only, but you must ensure the integrity of all intellectual property rights and other proprietary marks on this website, you must not modify the content of this website, and The content copy of the website must include Changying Precision's copyright logo.

The content of the above rights goes beyond the scope of fair use (including, but not limited to, copying, reprinting, downloading, disseminating, using hyperlinks or transmitting the information on this website for commercial purposes, loading it on other servers using the "mirror method", Stored in the information retrieval system, etc.), and the use without Changying Precision's written permission may result in civil, administrative or criminal liability, and we reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility for the infringement.

Trademark notice

Changying Precision has protected the trademark registration of the words or graphics such as "Changying Precision, EWPT" appearing on this website. Your access to and use of this website does not in any way mean that you are granted permission and rights to use any trademarks or marks appearing on this website. Without Changying Precision's prior written permission, no one may use Changying Precision's name and Changying Precision's trademarks and marks in any way.

The use of the above trademarks and marks without Changying Precision's permission may infringe Changying Precision's registered trademark rights. We will reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility for suspected violations of Changying Precision's registered trademark rights.


We have tried our best to review the content of this website, but we do not provide any form of express or implied guarantees about the correctness, timeliness, validity, stability, availability, and non-infringement of the rights of others. ; Does not guarantee the stability of the server, does not guarantee that you can browse, read, copy, use this website at any time; does not guarantee the accuracy of the text, graphics, materials, links, instructions, statements or other matters contained in the website content or It also does not guarantee that the content of this website is free from errors in printing, copying, and other input. We may change the content of this website at any time without further notice, but we do not guarantee that it will be updated in time when the content changes, and we will not guarantee to notify you when it is updated.

In any case, for any direct, indirect, incidental, and third-party losses (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of information and data, damage to property) caused by the use of the content of the website or inability to access the website (Such as losses), this website is not required to bear legal responsibility, whether it is the use of contract lawsuits, infringement lawsuits or other reasons for litigation.

This website may retain links to third-party websites or web sites. Links through this site are provided for the convenience of users. Access to these links will be determined by the user. Changying Precision does not guarantee any information provided on these links, The accuracy, completeness, adequacy and reliability of the data, opinions, pictures, statements or recommendations. The linked website is not under the control of this site. Any user who browses other websites through the links of this site is deemed not to have browsed this site, and therefore is not responsible for the network transmission or any other form of transmission received from the linked website. No responsibility.

Protecting user privacy

We respect the privacy of our users and we do not collect user information without their consent. With regard to the email, information and address of the user who is mastered due to the needs of the service, we promise not to provide it to any third party without the user's permission.


All lawsuits or disputes arising out of this website shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China

If any amendment to the laws of the People's Republic of China invalidates any of the provisions of this legal statement, Changying Precision agrees to modify the relevant provisions.

The right to interpret this legal statement belongs to Shenzhen Changying Precision Technology Co., Ltd.